(1591) Coins & Jewelry
(1591) Jewelry, Coins, Collectibles
Online Auction Closes: Tuesday, August 13 @ 10AM
Preview: Monday, August 12, 2024 from 11am-1pm - By Appointment - Email helpdesk@thcauction.com for appointment and address.
Item Removal: Monday, August 19, 2024 from 9am-2pm- By Appointment
131 Dorset Lane,
Williston, VT
View Catalog/Pictures and BID NOW on Proxibid or Live Auctioneers:
Large Auction with Over 850 Lots of Jewelry, Mint Coin Sets, Dollars and more!
Highlights include: White and Yellow Gold Diamond Rings, Platinum, Earrings, Turquoise Bracelets, Navajo Silver Bracelet, Turquoise Hand Necklace, Gold and Silver Pendants, Necklaces, Money Clips, Various Stones: Diamonds, Amethyst, Jade, Saphhire, Ruby, Emerald, Topaz, Turquoise, and more. Sterling Silver Jewelry, Alaska and Nevada Gold Nuggets, Pocket Watches, U.S. Morgan Dollars, Silver Rounds, Kennedy Half Dollars, Cameos, Rolex Spoons, Jewelry Boxes, Fountain Pens, U.S. Proof Coin Sets, U.S. Half-Ounce Platinum Proof Coin, Washington Quarters, Bureau of Engraving Uncut Note Sheets, U.S. Mint Silver Proof Coin Sets, Canada Silver Dollars, Canada Mint Sets, Great Britain and Norther Ireland Coin Sets, and MUCH MORE!
131 Dorset Ln, Williston, VT 05495
Auctioneer License Numbers
NH: 3058 &6153; MA: 3363; ME: AUC1656
VT: 057-0002420, 057-0000426,057-0002287