What You Need To Know About Buying And Selling With Thomas Hirchak Company
Business Hours are 8AM to 5PM Monday-Friday (Morrisville, VT Headquarters)
Public Auto Auction:
8AM-5PM M-Th
8AM-3PM on Fridays, and 7:30AM - 2:00PM on Saturdays during the auto auction)
Auction registration depends on auction type.
Acceptable Payment Types:
Commercial: Credit Card, Approved Checks, Wire, Cash.
Auto: Credit Card, Debit (onsite only), Cash, Wire.
Real Estate: Deposit for Auction - Wire, Bank Check, Cash. Other payment will be through closing
What is the difference between a "Timed Auction", "Simulcast", and "Live" Auction?
You do not need to be online until the auction closes for "Timed or Simulcast Auctions". The platform that we utlize allows you to set a maximum bid, so if other bids are tendered the system will automatically increase your bid to the maximum. If the item is won for less than your maximum you will purchase the lot for that amount and not your maximum bid.
You will be notified by the platform if your max bid is exceeded, but we caution bidders not to rely upon these notifications as they can be delayed due to technology. You do have to be onsite for live auctions.
a. Do your homework:
i. New Lots uploaded daily, Monday thru Friday.
ii. Lot is open to the public for viewing Monday thru Friday 8-4.
iii. Vehicles can be started, moved forward 1 car length and back into its original position.
iv. A few items that are NOT allowed in the lot
1. Power tools
2. Hand Tools
3. Backpacks
4. Large bags
5. Pets
6. Children under the age of 16 without an adult present
b. Pre Bid
i. If you are not able to attend the auction live, we offer a PRE BID service through Proxibid.
ii. Register your account on Proxibid website (access through the auction on our website)
iii. Log in and select the lot you are interested in.
iv. You will have the option to either place a 1 time bid or set a max bid you are willing to bid and the system will bid on your behalf up to that amount.
1. The auctioneer has final say if a lot is sold or passed regardless of reserve. If you are the high bidder when the auctioneer says SOLD, you won the lot.
c. Online bidding
i. Once registered with Proxibid you can login and attend the auction LIVE on auction day.
ii. Bidding is in real time and all bidding terms and
conditions apply.
iii. We strongly recommend that you not listen to the “live” audio as it is delayed. The onscreen prompts and updates are in real time.
iv. If you win a lot, your card on file with Proxibid will be charged 25% immediately following the auction.
d. In Person Bidding
i. Our doors open at 7:30am EST on auction day.
ii. The auction starts at 9:00am EST.
iii. Registration is completed in the main lobby.
iv. Once registered you will receive a green bidder card to use for bidding.
v. To bid, raise your bidder card in the air so the auctioneer can see you.
vi. If the auctioneer looks back and you and points to you, you have been outbid and need to raise the card again if you wish to raise the bid.
vii. WINNER! Once you win the bid, approach the deposit counter and sign the lot ticket as well as submit your 25% deposit.
viii. Notes
1. Be sure to find a spot where the auctioneer can see you.
2. Don’t be shy! Raise that card high to ensure the
auctioneer can see it in the crowd.
3. Pay attention to the auctioneer. Bidding can move fast.
e. Payment
i. 25% deposit is due immediately. Once the auctioneer says “SOLD” you must approach the deposit counter and complete the process.
ii. The full balance is due by end of day the Tuesday following the auction.
iii. Please note:
1. Credit Card payments will be assessed an additional 3% credit card fee.
2. Debit Card payments will be assessed an additional $1 debit card fee
f. Vehicle Removal / Storage
i. All won vehicles are required to be off THC property by end of day Thursday following the auction.
ii. Vehicles left on THC property after Thursday will be assessed a storage fee of $20 per day.
iii. Any vehicle left within the fence must have the keys left with THC until pick-up in arranged.
Auctioneer License Numbers
NH: 3058 &6153; MA: 3363; ME: AUC1656
VT: 057-0002420, 057-0000426,057-0002287