Are you looking to sell your business or equipment?
We will design an aggressive marketing program to give your items or property maximum exposure. We know and understand what you are selling and who your buyers are.
Our auctions convert potential loss to cash and profit. We provide results via competitive sales of unused equipment, liquidation of excess inventories, close-out of product lines and reduction of slow-moving stock.
The Thomas Hirchak Company brings buyers and properties together for a competitive sale to achieve the best results!
We have a stable and trustworthy reputation of accurately representing items with consignors and buyers.
We have a long record of accomplishments selling a very diverse range of assets.
We are a company that combines reputation and customer service with technology and innovation to continue to grow results.
Business Hours are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm M-F
Auction registration depends on auction type.
Acceptable Payment Types:
What is the difference between a "Timed Auction", "Simulcast", and "Live" Auction?
You do not need to be online until the auction closes for "Timed or Simulcast Auctions". The platform that we utlize allows you to set a maximum bid, so if other bids are tendered the system will automatically increase your bid to the maximum. If the item is won for less than your maximum you will purchase the lot for that amount and not your maximum bid.
You will be notified by the platform if your max bid is exceeded, but we caution bidders not to rely upon these notifications as they can be delayed due to technology. You do have to be onsite for live auctions.
Get in touch with us! Email us at or call us 800-634-7653.
Auctioneer License Numbers
NH: 3058 &6153; MA: 3363; ME: AUC1656
VT: 057-0002420, 057-0000426,057-0002287